Published: Aug 24, 2019

Front Matter

Aug 24, 2019
Read Statistic: 452

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Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Feed Coal and its by-products from a Brazilian Thermoelectric Power Plant

Jul 14, 2019
Juliana de Carvalho Izidoro, Caio Miranda, Davi Castanho, Carlos Rossati, Felipe Campello, Sabine Guilhen, Denise Fungaro, Shaobin Wang
Read Statistic: 1844

In this study, feed coal (FC) from the Figueira Thermoelectric Power Plant (FTPP), located in the state of Paraná (PR), Brazil was characterized by X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffractometry  (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), particle size distribution analysis by laser diffraction, loss of ignition (LOI), total carbon content (TC), pH and conductivity. FC-derived by-products (CCBs) collected at the FTPP were: bottom ash (BA), fly ash from cyclone filter (CA) and fly ash from bag filter (FA).  In addition to the techniques used for feed coal characterization, CCBs were also characterized by total surface area (by using BET method), external surface area (by using laser diffraction), cation exchange capacity (CEC), bulk density, besides leaching and solubilization tests. FC sample contains 72.2% of volatile material, of which 55.3% is total carbon content. LOI, FTIR, TGA and TC analyzes corroborated with these results. The main crystalline phases in the FC sample were found to be quartz, kaolinite and pyrite. The elements As, Cr, Ni and Pb were encountered in the FC sample, indicating that the use of FTPP feed coal should be monitored due to the toxic potential of these elements. The three coal ashes were classified as class F according to ASTM and presented similar chemical composition, with total content of the main oxides (SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3) above 72%. Ashes enrichment factor analysis (EF) showed that As, Zn and Pb concentrate mainly in fly ash from bag filter (FA), whereas the elements K and Mg presented higher enrichment in the bottom ash (BA) . All ashes presented quartz, mullite and magnetite as crystalline phases, as well as the same functional groups, related to the presence of humidity, organic matter and Si and Al compounds. XRD, XRF, TGA, FTIR, LOI and TC techniques were correlated and confirmed the obtained results. Total and external surface area values of CCBs were related to the total carbon content (TC), as well as to the results of particle size distribution and the scanning electron micrographs of the samples. On the other hand the CEC of the ashes showed relation with the particle size distribution and with the external surface area. Leaching and solubilization tests of CCBs showed that FA sample was considered hazardous and classified as class I waste, while CA and BA samples were considered non-hazardous and non-inert wastes and classified as class II-A. FA sample from Figueira power plant must be discarded only after treatment or a stringent disposal criterion must be followed to avoid contamination on site. In this work, feed coal sample was also compared to the CCBs samples generated from it. The results showed the differences between fuel and products through the different characterization techniques. In addition to contributing to the understanding of the relationship between coal and its combustion products, this work can also help to reduce the environmental impacts caused by the CCBs disposal, as well as can also be used to compare the characteristics of CCBs from FTPP with the new wastes that will be generated by the same thermal power plant that will be soon modernized.

The Oriented Attachment Crystal Growth Model in Hydrothermal Synthesis of Magnetite (Fe3O4) Nanoparticles

Jul 18, 2019
Ahmad Fadli, Amun Amri, Esty octiana sari, Sukoco Sukoco, Deden Saprudin
Read Statistic: 1286

The magnetite nanoparticles (Fe3O4) are very promising nanomaterials to be applied as drug delivery due to their excellent superparamagnetic, biocompatibility and easily modified surface properties. Those properties are influenced by the structure and size of the material which can be controlled by studying the evolution of crystal growth. The purpose of this research is to study the evolution of crystal growth of magnetite nanoparticles in the hydrothermal system and determine the crystal growth kinetics using the Oriented Attachment Growth model. Magnetite nanoparticles were synthesized using a hydrothermal method from FeCl3, citrate, urea and polyethylene glycol at 210?C for 1 - 12 hours at a various concentration of FeCl3 (0.05 M, 0.10 M, and 0.15 M). The characterizations were conducted by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), Particle size analyzer (PSA), and Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM). The XRD difractogram  indicated that the magnetite was begun to form at 3.5 hours synthesis. The crystallinity and the crystal size of magnetite rose with reaction time. The diameter of magnetite crystals was in the range of 9.4-30 nm. Characterization by TEM showed that the particles were formed from a smaller particles which were then agglomerated. The PSA characterization showed that the distribution of diameter size enlarged with the enhancement of  concentrations. VSM result showed that the magnetite nanoparticle has superparamagnetic properties. The magnetite crystal growth can be fitted by the Oriented Attachment Growth model with an error of 29%.

Global Research Performance on the Design and Applications of Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems: A Bibliometric Analysis

Aug 25, 2019
Mukhtar Fatihu Hamza, Gaddafi Sani Shehu, Mustapha Mukhtar Umar, Abdulbasid Ismail
Read Statistic: 960

There has been a significant contribution to scientific literature in the design and applications of Type-2 fuzzy logic systems (T2FLS). The T2FLSs found applications in many aspects of our daily lives, such as engineering, pure science, medicine and social sciences. The online web of science was searched to identify the 100 most frequently cited papers published on the design and application of T2FLS from 1980 to 2016. The articles were analyzed based on authorship, source title, country of origin, institution, document type, web of science category, and year of publication. The correlation between the average citation per year (ACY) and the total citation (TC) was analyzed. It was found that there is a strong relationship between the ACY and TC (r = 0.91643, P<0.01), based on the papers consider in this research.  The “Type -2 fuzzy sets made simple” authored by Mendel and John (2002), published in IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems received the highest TC as well as the ACY. The future trend in this research domain was also analyzed. The present analysis may serve as a guide for selecting qualitative literature especially to the beginners in the field of T2FLS.

Synthesis and Characterization of Chitosan-Silica Membranes for Treating Hotel Wastewater Treatment as Affected by Mass of Poly Ethylene Glycol and Poly Vinyl Alcohol

Aug 25, 2019
Jhon Armedi Pinem, Dessy Natalia Indah Panjaitan, M. Rifai Siregar, Edy Saputra, Syamsu Herman
Read Statistic: 1225

Chitosan-Silica blended membranes were an attractive choice for the purification process because their porous size and morphology provide higher selectivity. In this study, the synthesis and characterization of chitosan-silica membranes were carried out with a mass variation of Poly Ethylene Glycol (PEG): 0,5; 2,5; 5 grams, Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA): 1, 2, 3 grams; and pressure 1, 2, 3 bars for the hotel wastewater treatment. The purpose of this study was to determine the characterization of chitosan-silica membranes obtained by SEM and tensile strength, and to determine the performance of membrane against the flux and rejection test with the effect of a mixture of PEG and PVA mass using raw materials in form of chitosan-silica. Tensile strength analysis showed that membrane with the highest tensile strength was 19,14 Mpa for PEG and 13,7 Mpa for PVA. The SEM test results showed a relatively small pore size of PEG 0,5 gram (0,061 ?m) and PVA 2 grams (0,0284 ?m). Flux and rejection results showed that membrane with 2,5 grams composition of PEG was the most effective in performance with the flux 18,19 L/m2.h and rejection elimination of BOD (50,76%), COD (46,09%) and TSS (48,00%). On the other hand, flux results showed that membrane with 3 grams composition of PVA was the most effective with the flux 20,13 L/m2.h and rejection elimination of BOD (62,84%), COD (64,73%) and TSS (38,40%). The characteristics of permeability, selectivity, and membrane pore statistics show that the silica membrane is an ultrafiltration membrane.

Finite Element Modelling of Reinforced Concrete Beam Strengthened with Embedded Steel Reinforcement Bars

Aug 25, 2019
Nurman Chandra, Ridwan Ridwan, Muhammad Ikhsan
Read Statistic: 2962

The increased of loads on existing reinforced concrete infrastructure and the lack of initial design and construction will induce flexural and shear failure. Several methods have been introduced to increase the shear capacity of existing reinforced concrete elements with FRP, involving the use of plates or fabric externally bonded (EB) to the webs of the bridge beams, prestressed straps wrapped around the beams or bars mounted within grooves prepared in the near-surface mounted (NSM) technique. Typical Indonesian concrete bridges consisted main girders connected with diaphragm beams where the distance between those girders are very close. In particular case, where the webs of the beams are difficult to access, a novel approach is introduced, namely deep embedment (DE) method. Three reinforced concrete beam models are prepared for this study. One specimen is the control specimen and identified, as Beam-CS and the other two are the strengthened specimens and identified as Beam-SS-3EB and Beam-SS-5EB. All specimens have the same dimensions and reinforcement configuration. Specimen Beam-SS-3EB was strengthened with three rows of 6 mm embedded plain steel bars while specimen Beam-SS-5EB was strengthened with five rows of 6 mm plain steel bars. The results showed that element size significantly affects the load-displacement curve behaviour. The similarity of the hysteresis curve in the FE analysis using the 25 mm element size suggested a reasonably good agreement between the analytical calculation and the prediction result from the FE analysis. Furthermore, maximum reaction force for Beam-SS-3EB and Beam-SS-5EB were 30.30 kN and 31.77 kN, respectively, represents an increase of 17.67% and 23.29% compared to that of the Beam-CS.

Simultaneous Distribution Network Reconfiguration and Optimal Placement of Distributed Generation

Sep 25, 2019
Abdullahi Bala Kunya, Gaddafi Sani Shehu, Usman Muhammad Hassan, Abdurrahman Umar Lawal
Read Statistic: 1073

A reliable, eco- and nature-friendly operation has been the major concern of modern power system (PS). To improve the PS reliability and reduce the adverse environmental effect of conventional thermal generation facilities, renewable energy based distributed generation (RDG) are being enormously integrated to low and medium voltage distribution networks (DN). However, if these systems are not properly deployed, the reliability and stability of the PS will be endangered and its quality can be dreadfully jeopardized. Among the measures taken to avoid such is optimizing the location and size of each RDG unit in the DNs. These networks are generally operated in a radial configuration, though they can be reconfigured to other topologies to achieve certain objectives. Both RDG placement/sizing and DN reconfiguration are highly non-linear, multi-objective, constrained and combinatorial optimization problems. In this study, a hybrid of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and real-coded Genetic Algorithm (GA) techniques is employed for DN reconfiguration and optimal allocation (size and location) of multiple RDG units in primary DNs simultaneously. The objectives of the proposed technique are active power loss reduction, voltage profile (VP) and feeder load balancing (LB) improvement. It is carried out subject to some technical constraints, with the search space being the set of DN branches, DG sizes and potential locations.  To ascertain the effectiveness of the technique, it is implemented on standard IEEE 16-bus, 33-bus and 69-bus test DNs. The proposed algorithm is implemented in MATLAB and MATPOWER environments. It is observed the power loss, voltage deviation and LB are found to be reduced by 32.84%, 12.33% and 24.03% of their respective inherent values in the biggest system when the system is reconfigured only. With the optimized RDGs placed in the reconfigured systems, a further reductions of 46.27%, 25.92% and 36.65% are observed respectively.